lists of likable things at the
present moment
hormonal time
- Not much different, just a few little tweaks here and there:
- Lucinda Williams
- Performance artist Bobby Baker (Ginny, but Barbara is interested)
- Goran Ivanisevic's legs
- Susan Sarandon
- Hot weather
- Very cold weather (Ginny)
- Jim Crace. Actually, Being Dead.
- Chang-rae Lee. Everything so far.
- Patti Smith
- Neil Young
- Tom Waits
- Billy Collins (Barbara) ("Who??" Gin says. "A poet," says B. "Ah, poetry,"
says G. " A bit like jazz. Yig." "Hmmph," says B.)
- Anne Sexton ("Oh, her. Poetry," says G. "Well in that case.")
- Charles Simic ("Oh yes. I liked him too," says G. "You see? says B. "Ha.")
- Raymond Carver. (Yum, says G. Well, yes, says B. In fact, says G, he looks
a little like Neil Macoll.)
- Buffy (Barbara. Big fan.)
- The L Word (ditto)
- Annie Proulx
- Cary Grant
- James Stewart (B.)
- Samuel L. Jackson (Barbara has fainted)
- Clive Owen (there goes Gin)
- Harry Belafonte (B.)
- Frank Sinatra
- Katharine Hepburn (Both. How could it be any other way?)
- and Spencer
- Alice Munro
- Nightmares on Wax (B.)
- John Cusack
- Joan Cusack
- Cissy Spacek
- John Thaw (Dear John Thaw)
- David Morrisey (G)
- Ian Hart
- Miranda Richardson
- Helen Mirren
- Patrick Hamilton (B)
- Bill Hicks
- Bill Bailey (B)
- Johnny Vegas (B)
- Pina Bausch
- Sweet Smell of Success
- Burt Lancaster
- Rio Bravo (B)
- Marilyn Monroe
- Ann Baxter (B)
- Doris Day
- Raw fish
- Tequila
- Cranes
- Bubble wrap
- Grace
is this a boring list?
- non-vanilla sex
- hang on, hang on -- Jeff Bridges (They sigh.)